Friday, April 29, 2011

Sunday Night Banquet de dimanche

SteamPagan Banquet + Open Mic Performances
What happens when you mix Steampunk with Pagan fashion? You get SteamPagan of course! How would pagans be attired in a steam-powered society? We leave it up to your creative genius to decide how you would present your SteamPagan side!

Note: Dressing up in SteamPagan attire for the banquet is completely optional.

We will also hold an open mic session and invite our Gaia Gathering attendees to entertain us with their talents.

Banquet starts at 7pm (reservations required, $35) and the open mic gets underway at 9pm (open to all Gaia Gathering attendees, no additional charge)

Banquet steampaïen et scène libre (open mike)
Qu’arrive-t-il lorsque l’on combine le mouvement steampunk et la mode païenne? Cela donne lieu à un événement steampaïen! Comment les païens s’habilleraient-ils dans une société industrielle « à vapeur »? Laissez libre cours à votre génie créatif et montrez votre côté steampaïen!

Remarque : Vous n’êtes pas tenu de porter de vêtements steampaïens pour le banquet. L’habillement suivant le thème de la soirée est facultatif.

De plus, la scène sera libre à tous (open mike). Les participants seront donc invités à faire valoir leurs talents et nous divertir. Chantez! Contez des histoires! Contez des blagues! Éblouissez-nous par vos talents d’illusionniste!

Le banquet commencera à 19h (résévations réquis, $35) et la scène librecommencera vers 21h (ouvert à tous)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Deadline to Book Rooms at the YWCA Auberge and Hotel

Wow, we're less than a month away from Gaia Gathering. Have you booked your accommodations yet?

Because May is getting into high tourist season in Montreal, the YWCA will only secure the block of rooms that we have held for us until this Friday April 29th. After that the block is opened up and anyone can book.

So, if you know you're attending Gaia Gathering and would like to stay in the heart of the action, don't forget to book this week.

Details, including photos of the accommodations, can be found here:

Panel Discussion: Need your Feedback!

Where has the time gone?! Gaia Gathering 2011 is just around the corner! In less than four short weeks, Montreal will be hosting Pagans from all over North America who will be sharing their knowledge, their opinions, and their talents in what is shaping up to be the finest edition of the Canadian National Pagan Conference to date!

Over the past few weeks, people have been writing to us and letting us know what they would like to see and discuss and Gaia Gathering. But there's still time to get your two-cents worth in!

You can review the current list of topics that are currently being considered by visiting this link:

Please email us at to let us know which panel topic you would like to see in the conference, and if you think you'd like to be a panelist on one of them, please let us know! Please return your feedback to us BEFORE May 1st 2011 so we can start putting the final program together ASAP.

Have you registered yet? If not, please visit right now where you can register online quickly and easily!
Gaia Gathering 2011 Organizing Committee

Sujets proposés pour Gaia Gathering

La liste suivante présente sujet proposés pour les sessions de partage de connaissance ou dialogue ouverte. Il est impossible de les inclure tous, alors nous avons besoin de votre opinion. Lesquels vous intéresseraient dans le cadre du Gaia Gathering 2011.

En outre, nous cherchons des panélistes pour prendre part à ces débats, alors si un débat vous intéresse et que vous souhaitez y participer, veuillez communiquer avec nous dès que possible, à Comme la date de la conférence approche rapidement, nous ferons bientôt les sélections finales en ce qui concerne les débats et nous confirmerons les panélistes qui y participeront (date limite : 1er mai 2011).

La valeur de la gnose personnelle non vérifiée
Quelle valeur donnons-nous à la gnose personnelle (savoir acquis directement des déités et des esprits), à son obtention et à son partage, comparativement aux autres piliers de la spiritualité païenne? Ces piliers étant les suivants : les coutumes, les traditions, et l’inspiration moderne (écologie, féminisme, activisme et créativité).

Mythologie ancienne vs mythologie moderne
Invoqueriez-vous Robin des Bois en tant que dieu? Puisez-vous davantage de pouvoir en invoquant l’esprit du Dagda? Pourriez-vous faire appel au pouvoir de Superman en tant qu’archétype? Les païens peuvent-ils puiser leur pouvoir et trouver une certaine pertinence dans les ouvrages publiés au cours des quelques derniers siècles? Dans quelle mesure la mythologie doit-elle être vieille pour être considérée valide?

Auteurs païens canadiens
Pourquoi est-ce que la plupart des auteurs païens les plus connus sont-ils américains (et dans une moindre mesure britanniques)? Qui sont nos auteurs canadiens et comment pouvons-nous les appuyer?

Prêtrise dans le Grand Art
Quel est le sens de la prêtrise dans nos covens, groupes et communautés? Quels sont les risques et les enjeux? Quelles aptitudes devons-nous cultiver?

Païens transgenres
Récemment, lors d’un rituel public pour les femmes, des femmes transgenres ont été exclues parce qu’elles n’étaient pas de sexe féminin à la naissance. Quelle est l’incidence du cissexisme/de la transphobie, de l’essentialisme corporel, de l’exclusion et de l’anti-oppression sur notre communauté et notre liturgie?

Les païens et le travail interconfessionnel
Quelles sont les possibilités pour les païens qui souhaitent instaurer un dialogue avec d’autres communautés spirituelles ou appuyer des initiatives interconfessionnelles existantes? Quelles sont les aptitudes nécessaires? Qui fait ce travail au sein des communautés canadiennes et quelles ont été leurs expériences

Les païens dans les médias
Un débat sur le paganisme moderne et les païens dans les médias, allant de l’identité et des relations publiques à la sensibilisation par l’entremise des communautés et médias alternatifs.

Rétablissement du cercle

Comment les cercles, les covens, les regroupements et les autres groupes préviennent-ils les situations possiblement néfastes ou rétablissent-ils la confiance et la dynamique du groupe à la suite d’un conflit?

Impact d’Internet
Internet nous donne un accès accru aux gens et à l’information, mais il contribue également à réduire les relations interpersonnelles en personne. Comment pouvons-nous utiliser Internet à notre avantage? Que devons-nous éviter?

Les païens et le crime (ou les païens en prison)
Lorsqu’un païen est accusé d’un crime et déclare que sa religion fait partie de sa motivation, la communauté païenne doit faire des choix. Devons-nous reconnaître l’enjeu, mais pas la personne? Devons-nous nous distancer de l’enjeu?

Identité païenne
Partageons-nous une identité païenne commune? Que ressentons-nous lorsque quelqu’un pose un acte public, prend publiquement position ou commet un crime en tant que païen ou au nom du paganisme?

Activisme, action, protestation et paganisme
Quelle forme de protestation/d’activisme soutient l’éthique (les codes) de la tradition wiccane (ou d’autres traditions)? Quelles sont les formes de protestation/d’action encouragées pour les païens? Définir la protestation constructive pacifique et l’activisme magique.

Conflit et résolution
Lors de la gestion de conflits entre des groupes, des organisations et des personnes séparés par leurs idéologies, comment pouvons-nous intervenir positivement et trouver un terrain d’entente? Quels sont les modèles existants?

Sensibilité culturelle
Quant l’influence devient-elle de l’appropriation? Y a-t-il des façons d’éviter l’insensibilité envers les autres cultures et traditions païennes?

Évolution du paganisme au Québec après la Révolution tranquille
En 2007, lors d’une étude sur le terrain parmi les païens montréalais, on a observé que les païens anglophones et les païens francophones vivent et pratiquent souvent leur religion de manière différente, et que ces différences sont profondément enracinées dans le passé culturel et religieux unique du Québec. Ce débat explore l’incidence de faits saillants de l’histoire culturelle récente du Québec et l’impact de la Révolution tranquille et de la déchristianisation subséquente de la population québécoise francophone sur la manière dont les païens francophones et anglophones abordent et vivent leur foi.

Autres sujets proposés mais sans descriptions :
  • Langue et histoire
  • Sexe et sexualité
  • La Révolution tranquille
  • Volet musical
  • Déjeuner-causerie au sujet des traditions
  • Aumônerie
  • Le pouvoir des mots
  • Discrimination et droits
  • Rites : droits et lois
  • Le rôle des parents païens
  • Organisation d’événement
  • Éthique environnementale
  • Médiation païenne
  • Leadership
  • Ancêtres
  • Vieillissement, centres de personnes âgées et décès
  • Célébration en français
  • Traduction de textes anglais en français
  • Spiritualité masculine et male andropause
  • Épuisement au sein du clergé
  • Documentation païenne
  • Archivage du legs de nos aînés
  • Textes sacrés – canon païen
  • Le conte en tant que guide
  • Abus sexuel
  • Techniques de levée de fonds
  • Gestion de bénévoles
  • Impact du sécularisme
  • Espaces et lieux sacrés
  • Technologie et paganisme
  • Étiquette au sein de la communauté païenne
  • Tabous païens
  • Les païens, le conflit et la voie du guerrier
  • Santé mentale et la communauté païenne
  • Compilation des histoires de nos communautés

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Programme Préliminaire de la Conférence Païenne du Canada, Gaïa Gathering 2011


C'est avec joie et enthousiasme que nous vous présentons (finalement et non sans effort!) le Programme Préliminaire de la Conférence Païenne du Canada, Gaïa Gathering 2011, qui se déroulera à  Montréal, Québec du 20 au 23 mai 2011.

Vous y trouverez toutes les informations nécessaires entourant la conférence : mot du comité local, directions, hébergement et surtout, la programmation!

De plus, découvrez les divers sujets proposés pour les sessions de partage de connaissances. Nous avons présentement besoin de votre aide pour déterminer les sujets de ces sessions. Pour ce faire, prenez le temps de nous informer des sujets qui vous intéressent soit par le biais de notre :

    Groupe Yahoo!:
    Courriel :

Visitez notre blogue pour les dernières nouvelles!


Applying to be in the Pagan Art Show?

We are less than a month away from the CNPC, Gaia Gathering 2011 event, which features the 2nd edition of the Pagan Art Show.

We have spoken with over a dozen artists who have show interest in displaying their works of art, so we look forward to getting their applications!

Are you interested in applying to take part in the Pagan Art Show? You can find all the relevant information on the Montreal Pagan Resource Centre website at:

Remember that the deadline for submitting applications is April 30th, which is this weekend!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Seat Sales to Montreal!

Have you been procrastinating on buying your airline ticket to Montreal? Or not sure whether you can attend because of the cost of airfare?

This week appears to be seat sale week at Canada's major airlines. The catch? Deals end tomorrow, April 21st.

WestJet has a hop across Canada seat sale. Sample one-way fares to Montreal are $109 from Halifax, $149 from Winnipeg, $185 from Calgary and Edmonton, $199 from Vancouver and $219 from Victoria.

Prices at Air Canada are similar. Sample one-way fares to Montreal are $99 from Halifax, $149 from Winnipeg, and $199 from Vancouver.

Expedia is showing return flights from Vancouver to Montreal at $663, taxes included. Flights from other cities should be proportionally lower.

We know it's not cheap to fly to Montreal for four days. Why not consider taking a mini-vacation and arriving early or staying a few extra days. There is lots to discover in this city. We've tried to put some of it on our website and in our preliminary programme.

Looking forward to seeing you in Montreal!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gaia Gathering 2011 Preliminary Programme

It is with great excitement that we are publishing our Preliminary Programme for the Canadian National Pagan Conference, Gaia Gathering 2011, which is taking place in Montreal, Quebec from May 20th to 23rd.

We've been hearing from Pagans across Canada who are itching to see what we have planned. We're still working out which panel discussions we'll be offering during the conference, but as you may have seen from a previous communiqué, we are actively collecting feedback from people on what they'd like to see.

We are working hard to put the finishing touches on Gaia Gathering 2011, but the most important element to the conference is you! We really hope you can join us and share your insight and energy in what promises to be a most exciting, educational, and fun weekend for all.

So without further ado, here's the Preliminary Programme for Gaia Gathering 2011. Please keep in mind that the schedule is still in flux, so there will be changes made before the final schedule is in place (mainly to the panel discussion topics and times).

If you have any questions, please contact us at We'd love to hear from you! Also, please let us know which panel discussion topics you'd like to see in Gaia Gathering 2011. Your feedback will help us make our final selections.

Note: We are currently translating the Preliminary Programme to French and hope to have it available early next week. Merci pour votre patience!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Gaia Gathering 2011: Panel Discussion Topics

Gaia Gathering 2011 is fast approaching! In less than six short weeks, Montreal will be hosting Pagans from all over North America who will be sharing their knowledge, their opinions, and their talents in what is shaping up to be the finest edition of the Canadian National Pagan Conference to date!

Have you registered yet? If not, please visit right now where you can register online quickly and easily!

Over the past few months people from across the country have been letting is know what they'd like to see and discuss and Gaia Gathering. With less than two months to go before the conference, now is the time to make the final decisions.

The following list are the topics we are currently considering. Please email us at to let us know which panel topic you would like to see in the conference, and if you think you'd like to be a panelist on one of them, please let us know! Also, please feel free to suggest descriptions for the list of topics at the end. Many of them came out of brainstorming in various communities, but we received only the topic titles.

We look forward to hearing from you and getting your feedback. Please return your feedback to us BEFORE May 1st 2011!
Gaia Gathering 2011 Organizing Committee

Panel Discussion Topics

The Value of Personal Gnosis   
How much value do we place on personal gnosis (knowledge acquired directly from deities and spirits), obtaining and sharing it, compared to the other pillars of Pagan spirituality? These being: lore, tradition, and modern inspiration (ecology, feminism, activism and creativity).   

Ancient vs. Modern Mythology
Would you call upon Robin Hood as the God deity? Do you find more power in calling down the spirit of the Dagda, or could you call upon the power of Superman as an archetype? Can pagans still find power and relevance in published works from the last few centuries? How old does mythology need to be to be considered a valid mythology?

Canadian Pagan Authors   
Why are most of the 'big name' pagan authors American (and to a lesser extent British)? Who are our Canadian authors and how can we help support them?   

Priestessing/Priesting our Craft
What does it mean to be a Priest/ess in our covens, groups and communities? What are the risks and challenges, and what skills do we need to cultivate?

Transgender Pagans   
Recently, there was a public women's pagan ritual where transgendered women were excluded because they were not female-born.

How do cissexism/transphobia, body essentialism, exclusion, and anti-oppression work both in our community and in our liturgy.   

Pagans in Interfaith Work
What opportunities are there for pagans who want to reach out to other spiritual communities or support existing interfaith initiatives? What skills are required? Who is doing this in communities across Canada and what has been their experience?

Pagans in the Media   
A panel discussion on modern Paganism and Pagans in the media that ranges from mainstream identity and public relations to reaching out via alternative media and communities.   

Circle Repair
How do circles, covens, groves and other group prevent potentially damaging situations or repair the broken trust and fractured dynamics after a fall-out?

Impact of the Internet on Pagan Development   
The Internet provides us with more access to people and information, but it also allows reduces in-person contact with real people. How can we use the Internet to our advantage and what is there about the Internet that should we avoid?    

Pagans and Crime (or Pagans in Jail)
If a Pagan is charged with a crime and says that his religion is part of his motivation, the community has choices to make.  Do we acknowledge the issue but not the person?  Do we distance ourselves from the issue entirely?

Pagan Identity   
Do we have a shared Pagan identity? How do we feel when someone publicly takes action or a stance, or performs a crime, "as a Pagan" or in the name of being Pagan?   

Activism, Action, Protest and Paganism
What protest/activism supports Wiccan (or other trads) ethics (or codes)? What are the Pagan-encouraged forms of protest/action. Defining peaceful constructive protest and magickal activism.

Conflict and Resolution   
In managing conflicts between ideologically-separated groups, organizations, and people, how can we bring positive interventions and find enough common ground between them? What models exist?   

Cultural Sensitivity
When does influence turn into appropriation? Are there ways we are insensitive to other cultures or traditions other than our own within the Pagan umbrella?

Pagan Evolution after Quebec's Quiet Revolution
Anglophone and Francophone Pagans often differ in the ways they lived and practised their religion. These differences are deeply rooted in Quebec's unique cultural and religious past.

This panel explores the impact of salient events in Quebec's recent cultural history, and how the Quiet Revolution and the subsequent de-Christianisation of Quebec's Francophone population have impacted the way Francophone and Anglophone Pagans understand and live their faith.

Other Topics
Language and history
Gender and sexuality
Music stream
Breakfast discussion on traditions
Power of words
Discrimination and legal rights
Rites, rights and laws
Pagan parenting
Event organizing
Environmental ethic
Pagan mediation
Aging, hospice and death
Celebrating in French
Translating English Sources into French
Men's spirituality and male menopause.
Clergy burn-out
Pagan documentation
Archiving our legacy of elders
Sacred texts - pagan canon
Storytelling as a guide
Sexual abuse
Fundraising techniques
Managing volunteers
Impact of secularism
Sacred space and sacred places
Technology and paganism
Pagan community etiquette
Pagan taboos
Pagans, conflict, and the warrior path
Mental Health & the Pagan Community
Compiling Histories of our Communities

Friday, April 8, 2011

GG2011 Workshops

We're very excited to be offering four workshops at Gaia Gathering in Montreal. Workshops are a new addition to the conference Previous conference have focussed exclusively on sharing our collective knowledge through panels and roundtables.

The Niagara Voodoo Shrine (Ontario)
Probably the most misunderstood of spiritual paths, even by the pagans who enjoy and interact with in it. What is voodoo, where does it come from, why is there Catholic iconography in it? All these questions plus many more will be answered, as well as accouterments of the practice on display and explained. The best way to understand something is to smell it, taste it and feel it. This workshop will also have an interactive working with in it, with drum calls and song that are part of the way to call the spirits of the tradition.

Herbal Myths, Legends and Magickal Lore
Amy-Lou Taylor (Ontario)
Have you ever wondered why an Herb has its particular name, why it is used in a certain way and how it came to be used in magick? Well, every name has a story and so do a lot of the Herbs. Herbs have been used in magick and medicine in every culture for centuries and often in different ways. This rich folklore and history is where the herbal myths, legends and magickal lore come from. Join Amy for an insightful discussion and more than a few good stories about how Herbs came to be the unsung heroes of our culture and are a part of our magick in everyday life. Handouts and possibly (time and weather permitting) an herb walk as well.

The Eight Paths of Power
Sable (British Columbia)
Also known as the "Eightfold Way," are a series of 8 different techniques used in Wicca to perform magick. As detailed in Gerald Gardner's Book of Shadows, they are: Meditation or Concentration (Called for short, "Intent."), Trance; projection of the Astral; Rites, Chants, Spells, Runes, Charms, etc.; Incense, Drugs, Wine, etc. "Intoxicants"; The Dance, and kindred practices; Blood Control (the Cords), Breath Control, and kindred practices; The Scourge; and The Great Rite.

Myth and Magic of the Spoken Word
Hobbes (Montreal)
Join Hobbes, storyteller and bard, as he explores the role that story and myth plays in spiritual development. Are myths pure entertainment, or do they contain the unspeakable truths that can only be experience through the fantastic? As practical, real-world people, how do we come to terms with building relationships with mythic creatures and deities that most people regard as fantasy and fictional. Is there a middle ground, and if so, how do we secure our foothold in it?
Hobbes will explore the role that myth plays in our community, our identity, and how it helps us understand the mysteries of the Divine. He may even regale you with a tale or two!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Gaia Gathering Open Meeting in April

Please join us to find out how the planning is going, and to provide your input into the planning process. And, of course, if you want to help, we'd be delighted!

The main focus of the discussion at this meeting will be on programming. What panels do Montrealers want to see? What panels can we put together as a community to share our skills and knowledge with he rest of Canada?

Time: Monday, April 4 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Concordia Multifaith Chaplaincy, 2090 MacKay, Montreal

We will be upstairs in the lovely lounge area with the kitchen.

The Canadian National Pagan Conference (CNPC), Gaia Gathering, is held every year over the long Victoria Day weekend in May. Each year, the event is hosted by a different city, which is determined through a bid and vote process. Gaia Gathering is a place where people from across Canada and from across the spectrum of this country’s Pagan religions an come together to talk about who we are, where we’ve come from, and where we might be going as a religious community in Canada.

Past host cities include Edmonton, Halifax, Winnipeg, Ottawa and Vancouver. The conference features three days of discussion and workshops about Canadian contemporary Paganisms – our Asatru, our Druidry, our Wicca and so on — and brings together Canadian elders, community leaders, and interested Pagans or Pagan-curious for networking, discussion, and community. Legally, we are incorporated federally as a non-profit organization and operate with a national Board of Directors as well as a local host committee.

Registration is now open for Gaia Gathering 2011 conference which will be held in the beautiful, bilingual and metropolitan Montreal from May 20th to 23rd, 2011. Our conference venue is Concordia University and the theme is "Language to Liturgy."